Seven Ways to make your life colorful with 8 RGB LED strip Projects - Shine Decor

Seven Ways to make your life colorful with 8 RGB LED strip Projects

As Christmas is approaching, the majority of people going to decorate their homes to add some mood light. As for light decoration, LED strip light takes the main position in the current market for high efficiency, long lifespan, and various colors. Here are some tips for your home decor inspirations.


Under Cabinet Lighting 

Applying LED strip light under kitchen cabinets is one of the most popular ways because people spend lots of time in the kitchen. So it is worth to take time to do a specific plan about light design. To begin with, three things need to be figured out: the location of the cabinet you are going to decorating with, the way to power your lights, and what types of light you are going to use, white light for task lighting or colored lights for accent light.

Under Cabinet Lighting

Stair Lighting

One effective way to ensure stair safety is to make them visible in the darkness. Applying LED strip light at the stair area can not only improve security feelings but also add mood for the whole home. A beautiful blue or soft pink would be a good choice for navigating the stair at night. Place the LED strip under the front edge of each step. This way the light points down towards the stair below it.

Stair Lighting

 Light up your Boat

The heat tend in the marine world is adding LED light to your boat because of the features of durability, waterproof, and energy saving. Also boat and LED strip light are match-able since there are lots of places on boat to hide the LEDs. Mount the soft blue or green glow on the bottom of the hull for some underwater lighting to admire the nocturnal marine life. It not only can be applied as exterior decoration but also for lighting up the dark compartment or cabin.

Light up your Boat

Accent your Bedroom

 Have a check on your room light, there are maybe some lamps with white lights. It would be perfect to decorate with some LED strip light for adding the accent soft light, which is beneficial for building a tranquil space when you take a relax or take a nap. You can achieve it by build some small shelf on the wall of the room or the on the ceiling, and wrap the LED light strip around the surface of the shelf. If there are already have some molding, then it would be a perfect place for hiding the light strip. Pick the RGB one so that the color can be customized by your mood.

Accent your Bedroom

 Light up your closet

You may be annoying by dig out the cloth in the dark corner of your closet. Led strip light provide endless possibility due to its tiny profile and versatility. Place it above the shelf or cabinet to ensure each corner of your closet is brighten. 


 Light up your closet

Build a mood TV

Are you imaging to own a TV with accent light? It is really simple to achieve this. You just need to mount the RGB strip light around the TV backside edge. Then it will illuminate the light toward the wall and build a soft glow around the TV. Mount with the RGB strip, then you can adjust the TV back-light according to your moods, like red to match horror flick or blue for the tear-jerk.

Build a mood TV

Build a personal style bathroom 

Turn your bathroom from standard to special could be very easy only need to add some accent lighting. It would be the perfect solution to glow the bathroom facility in case the older people need to use it in the dark night. Just mount the light strip at the edge of the mirror over the sink. Or you can add it around a shelf cubby. 


Build a personal style bathroom


Do not limit your imagination. Look around your home to find the places that could benefit from the accent lights. Think about both color and brightness to ensure the effectiveness you imagine. 


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